**** DONE: 1/33 Vickers Vimy - From WW1 to WW2 GB

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Thanks fellas for your replies update for today is the engine nacelles, I just completed them and letting the two units dry over night and give them a ghood burnishing in the morning I will touch them upo with a airbrush with some exaust stains.. The engine nacelles are nothing more then a folded unit with 2 formers..the kit had no exaust pipes so i am on my own no sweat here i made a series of paper tuibeings from typeing paper and cutted them out and glued them down I will feather them out with a airbrush by making some stains dont want to over do it just a hint to give it the effect... The support struts were folded cardstock parts from the kit reinforced with floral wire for additional strength. Before I proceed any further I will add the rigging and then the top center wing section will be added and its interplane struts and again rig same here is the update pictures.



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Ahoy .

thanks Charles and the rest of you great fellows, the engine nacelle rigging has been completed I done a little more burtnishing to smooth out the nacelles and I added some exaust stains to give it a hint of realisym didn,t want to over do it.. Next the fune begins the constructionj of the top center wing and its rigging after that she has to have her legs to stand on the undercarriage will be next after the center wing construction is completed.. Here is the build update for the day more tomorrow.



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Thanks Charles and everyone I am Honored, Here is the build update for the day tomorrow I will post another update, As to the build update i have completed the top center wing unit and its interplane struts.. Its assembly is the same as the bottom center wing uinit and tail feathers nothing more then spars and ribs... Letting the unti dry over night and do some tune up work in the morning before i proceed to the next step, all of the interplane struts are reinforced with floral wire its a must this done on card models the weight of the build on biplanes are thye cabane and interplane struts if you use card parts without the reinforcemnt of floral wire or simular the struts would give away and the wings would colasp and the build is ruined.. next step will be the undercasrriage the Vimy has to have her legs to stand on so it will be a fun step this will be done after the rigging is completed. starting to look like the vimy when done she will be a huge model here is the update for thye day Fellas.



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