Thanks Vic
As promised, I'm posting an update with the below 5 pics showing overall top quarter views, underside, nose detail and insignia detail. All of the masks have been removed revealing the 11's, theater band, staffel dash, the dots on the nose and the slightly controversial yellow bottom engine cowl.
In the overall top quarter views, you can see that I "waved-up" some of the edges of the splinter patterns on the starboard wing. I'm a little suspicious of the paint as it didn't dry flat, perhaps because I made it a lot thinner than before. I'm not worried though as the difference should disappear once the gloss and flat coats are applied. Also finished here are the surfaces under the LE slats, which were masked and pained 02. A little touch up is needed on the port wing as the 02 got under the mask. (EDIT: I wonder if these areas should be bare metal - anyone know?)
On the underside, the wheel wells were masked and painted 02 with no issues. Also done in 02 was the inside of the slats.
The stickum on the nose took a little pursuading initially to adhere to the smooth paint surface and now that I wanted to remove them, some left a bit of residue which can be seen in the close-up of the nose. I'll need to clean these up before applying a coat of Future. The dots turned out a bit bigger than they were supposed to ut I think the effect is acceptable. Just seen in the close-up of the nose along the leading edge is the wavey demarcation between top and bottom camo. A bit of orange peeling here needs to be sanded down a tad.
The masked 11's, band, and dashes came out nicely and I only have to apply the black outline decals to clean these up. Should look pretty good. The patches for the ferry marks were hand painted with thinned 75 and I included the splatter just behind the blanked out 'R' that is evident in the pics of the real plane.
Overall, I'm pretty happy with how it's gone so far. Yet to decide is whether or not to keep the yellow cowl and whether or not to shade the area between the white fuselage cross edges with gray 75. I'm leaning toward doing that but will study the pics more closely.
Thanks very much for your interest and compliments guys. I appreciate it.