**** DONE: 1/48 Bf109E-4 Kommandeur Hauptmann Hans von Hahn 1./JG3 Aug 1940 BoB GB

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Your painting is just tops. The yellow is so rich looking. Is it a mix?????

Cheers Bill - the yellow is Model Masters straight from the bottle. I primed the surface in white beforehand.

Thanks guys for your comments.

Decals are on at the moment, and all went well.

I put on all the major markings and then started on the smaller stencils and painted the trim tabs red as per instructions. The thought struck me I should look at the photos I have before getting too carried away. A peek at the only two I have shows that they have been over painted at some stage by the mottling or due to a re-spray. I've pointed out the missing fuel octane rating triangle also. Should I add all the stencils? I'm tempted to leave as is.




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Good observations on the pics Peter. Can't advise you other than to say that the 87 Octane sticker appears on most pics I've seen of other aircraft as it was usually clear of the RLM 65 and mottling.
The fuel triangle (behind the cockpit) is there Peter. Look very closely, and you'll see the shape, which appears darker than expected, and almost lost in the highlight. It may be a red 'C3' triangle. The other markings below the windscreen are the oll and grease instructions.
At this stage of the war, the main stencils were normally maintained after a re-paint, or the addition of such things as a mottle.
There might have been an exception where the yellow (or white) distemper paint was applied to the cowlings, where these markings could be overpainted with the washable paint. However, many (general) photos show these still in place too.
I think I'd add all of the main stencils, such as the frame numbers, wing walk lines etc., as these were normally re-applied fresh, when the aircraft was re-painted from the original dark colours to the 'winter' scheme with the RLM 65 up the fuselage sides. Fuel markings, and oxygen markings, were fastidiously maintained, especially where two types of fuel were available.
It's looking bl**dy good so far mate !
Looking real Nice Peter :thumbleft: I agree with Terry they would probably be there and I think that some of the colors like the red --ZU-- for the cowl are a nice accent.Cheers
Okay all stencils done. I gave up counting after 40......:D 8)


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