**** DONE: 1/48 Corsair II - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Kicked off this build with some cockpit assembly that included some Eduard PE framing. Eduard also provided some covers for the rudder pedals whose only purpose was to add some non-skid ridges and I couldn't see the gain for the pain to bend and install these so I left them off. The instrument panel has been filed down to receive the PE one. I'll install that after I spray a coat of interior green.

A small update folks. Thanks for all the kudos.

Interior green has been squirted on the pit and the PE instrument panel is installed. The IP comes in two layers. The first, glued directly to the plastic wall, contains the instrument details and the second the openings for the bezels. I find it best to secure these together using Future as this provides a nice seal for dabbing more Future into the gauges to represent the glass. I've found that, if the two layers were glued to together using CA, there's often a gap into which the Future just disappears when applying it into the bezels, resulting in excessive applications to build the coat up to represent the glass. I've also found it necessary to apply a flat clear coat to the outer instrument panel PE face as Eduard produce it far too glossy for my liking. This was done by brushing the flat coat on before applying the Future onto the instruments.

This area is not done yet. The left IP quadrant is yet to be modified and painted. The little pins that stick out of it are meant to represent the various push rods that connect the throttle controls to the engine. I plan to file those off and replace them with stretched sprue as they're too thick and, frankly, I'm not sure they reach the throttle quadrant anyway. Also, the grip on the control stick needs to be painted and everything given a bit of wash and wear.

In other news, the seat has been attached to the back bulkhead and painted - whoop-dee-doo - so no pics yet till there's a bit more to show.

Lovely work on that cockpit, Andy. I like the Future idea as well. Never thought of using Future as an adhesive. Are you using the new forumla or the old one for that?

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