Many thanks for checking in chaps, you know you're always welcome and I just love your supporting comments.
So where am I at. Truth be known, I just about back to where I was a week ago when I was not happy with the outcome of my efforts. In effect I've cut back some of the paintwork, replaced decals and completely redone the ailerons and flaps. The ailerons were modified an returned appropriately on slightly up and one slightly down mimicking the control column which has a slight port lean on it. The landing flaps are a complete rework and the repainting had to be done by hand as my airbrush skills are very inaccurate without loads of masking.
Yesterday was a zilch modelling day but I did manage to find some time today. Some of my postie came yesterday and contained one of the items I had been waiting for. I decided to splash out on a couple of canon for this guy as they are very visible on the wings.
Trouble is, I'd made the wing hole a tad too large, so………………………..
Many thanks for dropping in folks, it's been one very hot day today, yesterday was just as hot so not much has been done though we are getting there slowly. Here is how things stand at the moment, some of the fiddly bits added, but still more to go especially as both the flaps fell off.