Well, well, what a silly old duffer I am. Thanks for looking in folks and for the gently reminder on my silly mistake. Also nice to see you back Waroff, how was Thailand?
As it so happens, I was not very happy with the way things were with this build and my mate Old Bill up in Sydney was of the same opinion. The flaps were not looking or fitting so well, the look of them was also questionable and I had made a bit of a mess with the demarcation line between upper and lower fuselage. I'd use blue tak and this had become very soft in our summer heat and mixed in with the paint and was truly stuck to the model.
So with all these little things along with the aileron c0ck-up, it was either bin the machine or take on the challenge and fix it. Well, after sleeping on it, this morning I decided to give it a go and stripped back the decals, removed all the offending parts and had a go at fixing the paintwork. This is what it looked like after the reverse build.
I have another set of flaps, resin and PE bits so these will replace the removed parts once there made up.
I also have a question. The modern day H75A shows a couple of aerials on the underbelly which I'm sure are the modern day equivalent and I know that in 1940 there were some fitments on the belly. See arrowed areas below.
Can anyone confirm if these are what were fitted in 1940 and if not, any ideas as to what was there would have looked like.