Might be more than week, have to work tomorrow.
Sorry Wayne, didn't mean to get you excited.
Been doing some more detail painting last night....
But I must say, it's too fast, may be going for the F2b.....
WOW. Very quick Bill. Would you recommend silver as a base for bright colors as opposed to white. I freakin' hate white paint. (Driving me nuts on the A-4 right now)
Well I just did a test on an old body piece, and the yellow is a tad too bright. The silver is showing thru a bit, so for the wings? I am not too sure. I will have to do the red over silver tho cuz that's what I did for the tail and nose.
Sorry I didn't answer your comments on the blades. I will try and find a 48th Corsair prop, then I'll have to, as you pointed out, a suitable profile to use as a pattern. This kit has a 3 blade prop, but! it's only 5'-8" dia. and the 3 is supposed to have an 8'-6" 3 blade prop. Ham Std at first, then to a Curtis Elect at the end of the run?
Anyway, I just fin the instruments. I used the little punch and punched out decals, slid the off into the holes with Future in the hole and then a drop of it on top and let it dry. What a trip. Silver under and worked a treat. Didn;t think it would be as easy as it was. I ama thinkin I'll use this method from here on out.
Good looking IP, glad you posted it, I forgot the red handles on mine. I haven't mounted it yet so a quick dab of paint and I'm off.
I sent you a PM with new info on the props, hope it helps!
Nope, all kit stuff...... the only thing I have added are the instrument decals. It's a nice kit, the wings are w bit wavy but otherwise cannot fault it so far.
Work today so nothing till tonight.
Paul, I just sprayed some red on my sacrificial piece, and will try some yellow over see if I can get the read to tint. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Not a bad kit....... but look at the top wing!!!!!!!!!
Paul has put me on to a couple things about the 3 model. 1. The exhaust has a fairing not on the 2 version, and the exhaust has been shortened. 2. Vents at the front behind the cowling and rear just above the leading edge of the horiz stabs had been eliminated. 3. A Curtis electric prop had been used on the 3 model, so I have modified the hub on the kit prop. I had a rather Rube Goldburg looking jig to make sure the hub was straight and true.
You can see the top wing has a flow problem during the injection process. Don't have a clue what I might do with That......