**** DONE: 1/48 F3F-3 – From WW1 to WW2 GB

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Yeah well................. thanks guys. But.......

have you wever felt like trashing a kit?????
Well I bl00dy well do now.
Landing gear................ will not align! and nothing I can do about it.
It's in a box.
Ah yes. Like I told Paul, I still have a couple months to finish. While I am working on the Bristol I can cogitate on what I can do. There is something rattling round the back of my mind as a solution.... But I have to get this choppa done in the next week and a haff! Only got till the 2nd of Dec. The Sunday after the first, our normal finish day if the 1st falls during the week.
cog·i·tate (kj-tt)
intr. tr.v. cog·i·tat·ed, cog·i·tat·ing, cog·i·tates
To take careful thought or think carefully about; ponder. See Synonyms at think.

This one?

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