**** DONE: 1/48 Fairey Gannet AS.1 - Carrier Aircraft GB

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Vic Balshaw

Major General
Jul 20, 2009
Username: Vic Balshaw
First name: Vic
Category: Judge – Non competing
Scale: 1/48
Manufacturer: Classic Airframes Kit No 4135

Extras: Mostly OOB which contains a heap of resin parts. Airwaves Wing Fold Joints (getting short on shelf space). Eduards Mask Set.

Oh what an ugly duckling but I've always liked them. This is my enter into GB 15 and at the moment I'm thinking a reasonably straight build without too much dissection. We will see.

It is my intention to do XG826 as provided on the decal sheet, but may change the squadron number if I can find the right decals in the scrap box. Employed as an Anti-submarine Gannet on HMAS Melbourne the only other history I have found indicates that it served with 810/813 and 817 Squadrons of the RAN on HMAS Melbourne and at the land based HMAS Albatross, Nowra. It was withdrawn from service in August 1967 where it was use in firefighting practice.

I have a book on the way which will hopefully throw some more light on this particular airframe.

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Interesting kit! This GB certainly seems to bring out the best when it comes to picking a subject. Some of the all time classics, next to a nice variety of lesser known subjects .....but boy...the Gannet has to rank as one of the most ugle a/c ever designed ....still waiting for a Wyvern now
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Don't say that I'm not helpful....
Looking forward to this one Vic. Might be a touch on the ugly side, but it has a 'certain something' about it - made a nice sound when flying too. Got some more detail pics if you want them, in addition to those I sent you.
Many thanks guys, hoping to get started real soon.

Looking forward to this one Vic. Might be a touch on the ugly side, but it has a 'certain something' about it - made a nice sound when flying too. Got some more detail pics if you want them, in addition to those I sent you.

Thanks also Terry but I think I'll be right, I picked up a DVD with a swag pictures on.
Never seen this one built, what an odd looking bird. I'll be following this one.

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