**** DONE: 1/48 Fairey Gannet AS.1 - Carrier Aircraft GB

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This is getting silly - I posted a reply, and once again, it's gone!
Keeping it brief, PVA will turn cloudy if it gets wet, but will clear again, once dried, if it's just been wet by water, or a wet finger tip. Future will cloud it, and will also do so, possibly, if applied over Future, although this is rare. Perhaps the Future was relatively thick, and not fully hardened?
British seat belts of the period would normally be dark bluish grey, possibly, but unlikely, silver grey.
Looks like your original post did make it Terry and my thanks for the input on the PVA. I actually did a couple of tests last night, I have two lots of PVA and the one I had used on the panel still cured milky, so it's for the bin, the other and cheaper one came out nice and clear. As for the inst panel, I've just this minute finished putting new decals in, so I'm going to let that set overnight before I decide on what to do for the dial glazing, PVA or just a dab of superglue.

Thanks also for the belt info mate , I knew they were either pale blue of silver grey but was kind of hoping I could away with it!!!!......................Anyway Mr Hawkeye, no probs, it's all sorted now and I'll run up a couple of pics later just to prove it.
No problem Vic, and why not try a couple of coats of Future for the dials, letting each coat dry first, if the PVA is doubtful?
Note, for the seat belts, I put dark bluish-grey.
Badabing..... like way to go. In a flash. good job.
Arvo, afternoon in Aussie speak.
Sounds silly in a Yank accent tho. Most Aussie slang sounds stupid in an American accent.
After going back to the start with the instrument panel and other dials, here are the refurbished ones. They still need a coat of PVA on them, which was done about 10 minutes ago, so there still drying.

Next up the seats, in position and belts sorted with a touch of light blue gray which falls in with the cockpit pictures I have.

I've also tackled the engine intake vents. This is a bit of resin supplied with the kit but only had the main intake vents open. Being one of those who likes a bit of detail even if it can't be noticed, I've drilled out some extra holes. The rear view shows the first two.

Lastly, again with the resin, a little bit of subtle painting, hardly noticeable in the wheel wells. The nose whee well give a bit of detail which sadly, I think will be covered over. But I AM going to look at this.

I did not see this one vic my apologies. it looks great. You and i must have similar tastes. i have a Revell 1/72 gannet in the stash, just waiting to be built. Almost nominated it for this build. So will be watching how and what you do with much interest.

Really love the IP detail btw
Thanks also for the belt info mate , I knew they were either pale blue of silver grey but was kind of hoping I could away with it!!!!

You've been here long enough that you should have known better. Good call on redoing the ip, looks much better.
Many thanks for the kind comment my friends, it's very much appreciated.

I'm happy to say that the instrument dials worked with the PVA and today I was able to get the forward cockpit area assembled. It all went together quite easy and with test fitting it looks as though it will all go together very well inside the a/c body.

As mentioned yesterday, I was thinking of doing a bit of modification to the nose wheel area as the resin parts are so well defined, it would be a shame to have it all close up behind the rear set of nosewheel doors. This next set of pics shows the simple progress in achieving this with the last shot showing the doors suitably detailed and manufactured out of the two bits sawn out of the two fuselage halves.

If lady luck stays with me I should be able to get the two halves sewn up tomorrow.

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