Thanks chaps. I've started to fit the wing fold, and have the hinges in place, and the units attached to the main wing - all a lot easier than I anticipated. However, fitting the outer wing sections is going to be a bit more fiddly, as the upper section of the wing fold plates are very 'springy'. Because the wings, when fitted, would make aligning the main undercarriage tricky, these parts have been fitted before attempting to fit the wing panels, although the remainder of the landing gear parts will be fitted later.
PIC 1. The vac-formed canopy has now been properly blended and sealed, and the rear section corrected.
PIC 2. Brake lines have been fitted to the main undercarriage legs, made from lead wire, and the legs painted, although they have yet to receive a semi-matt clear coat in this shot, which will give a smoother, more even appearance to the finish.
PIC 3. The kit wheels are reasonable on the front faces, but the rear hubs lack detail, and the tyres have smooth treads, rather than the diamond block of the real aircraft.
PICS 4 and 5. They have been replaced by a set of 'True Details' resin wheels, which are much better, but perhaps a touch too flat on the 'weighted' sections.
PIC 6. The wing folds in place, with the hinges fitted, but not yet folded down to the correct angle, or the hinges attached to the upper sections. This will be done once the outer wing sections are fitted, and then they'll have some extra details added and be painted. So far, they received a coat of silver, to act as a primer for the main coats.
PIC 7. Main gear and tail wheel in place. The retraction struts, and some extra detail, along with the gear doors, will be added once I'm happy the outer wings are firmly attached at the correct angle.
Thanks again for the kind words and continued interest, and tomorrow, I should either have the wings attached - or a pile of plastic smashed with a lump hammer !!