**** DONE: 1/48 Hawker Sea Fury FBII, 807 NAS, 1951 - Carrier Aircraft GB

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Thanks for the votes of confidence chaps!
I haven't had a chance to do any more to the 'Fury - a succession of visitors on Friday, then a debilitating cold got me on Saturday. Had no energy, or inclination, to do anything , even eat, except check the forum and sleep.
BUT! Given some solid food in a while, I might attempt to fit one wing tonight - the emphasis being on might !
Get a pork pie and a pint or two into you terry and you'll be right as rain…………………….sorry, shouldn't have used that last word!!
Thanks chaps. Well, I looked at it - and decided against it for now! Soon as I have a clear head, and steady(ish) hands, I'll get back to it.
Feel Better asap Terry I know how big of a douche a huge cold can be, you don't want to do anything, don't do anything, eat, sleep, relax and then get on it later when you feel better.

If you do it while you have a cold 2 things might happen
1. It turns out amazing and you can't beleive it.
2. It turns into a disasteer and your forced to back track for a couple days to fix whatever happened.

I'd rather not risk #2, so take some rest! #1 always comes after a cold, rarely during it !
Thanks Paul and Igor.
The cold seems to have passed, and I'm feeling reasonable. My sleep pattern is totally disrupted, so now, at 03.20 hours here in the UK, I'm going to at least set up the model in a jig (well, a rubber-jawed table vice), and work out the best way to do the job. Might even get one wing attached.
If by any chance the feint sound of screaming and disgusting curses waft slowly across the Atlantic, then you'll know things have not gone to plan!!
Well, that almost worked!
I managed to jig the model in the vice and, after much farting about, got the starboard wing attached to the upper section of the wing fold. The big problem here is that the PE wing fold is very flexible, and there is very little area where glue can be applied, and even less area where the upper section meets the hinges. It would help enormously if the metal etched parts were of a heavier gauge, to prevent, or at least reduce the flexing.
Next step was to try to glue the upper section to the hinges.
PIC 1. Shows the model set up in the vice, held loosely but securely in the rubber jaws, and with tape securing the tail, to prevent it tipping nose down. Here, the wing has been attached to the PE wing fold 'plate', using CA adhesive.
PIC 2. This is the gap which has to be closed, by bending the wing down, and gluing the upper section to the hinges. As can be seen, the mating surfaces, left bare of paint, are very minimal. Every time I tried to glue the joints, the tension of the upper wing 'plate' pulled the joint apart.
PIC 3. The final attempt, using tape to hold the upper section taut against the hinges whilst the CA set.
It didn't work!
This is a relatively simple joint, so it's anyone's guess what sort of fun Vic is going to have with the weight of those resin wings on the multiple folds on the Gannet!
So, after almost two hours messing about with just one wing, it's only half done.
But, to quote Michael Caine, in the closing line of 'The Italian Job' - "Hang on lads, I've got a great idea ......"


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Oh my Terry, I think you may have the worst task as I'm thinking with my double fold things may be a bit more balanced, I'm also going to make support rods which were used with stowed wing folds, so one I get those dimensions, they will again act as a support.
Thanks chaps. I have to continue with the starboard wing as it is, and hope I can get it settled, otherwise it means removing the whole wing fold assembly, with the possibility of wrecking it, and damaging the model itself. I have a plan for this - sort of - but I intend to use a different technique on the port wing, once I've done some measurements and trials.
I'm beginning to wish I'd stuck to my original plan, from 20 years ago, and scratch-built a sturdy wing fold, using plastic card and wire, with the end plates recessed into the wing. The PE parts are not only very flimsy for the job, but also inaccurate in layout detail, and are designed to butt- up against the end of the wing sections, where they should really be inset.
Ah well, it'll either work out in the end - or be remodelled as a partly stripped aircraft, with the wings off!!
I'll post another up-date once I achieve something positive. Now, where's that bottle of 'T-Stoff' ........
It'll be something along similar lines for the port wing Paul, but the starboard wing will probably have to stay. I'm either going to cut the joint in the PE part, build the ammo chute and hydraulic ram and inner hinges (not included on the PE parts), then attach the removed wing to these, or, if I can, do the above with the wing still attached, fold it down onto what will then be a much larger contact surface, and glue it and clamp or tape it until set.
For the port wing, I intend to fit an airfoil section of plastic card into the outer wing, glue the PE part to the hinges and extra parts first (which is the opposite to that shown in the instruction sheet with the PE set), then attach the wing to the metal, with the plastic airfoil providing about 1,000% more contact surface, and much greater rigidity.
I'm rather surprised at how flimsy the PE parts are, given the minimal amount of contact area, as it's this thin metal and it's 'springiness' which is the problem. However, it obviously works eventually, as I've seen a number of Hobbycraft Sea Furies employing this PE set.
If I ever do a wing fold again, I will not be using PE - I'd rather scratch-build a more substantial version myself.
But now, I'm going to have a night off - and go to the pub!

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