**** DONE 1/48 Ki 61 Hein 'Tony' Maj T.Kobayashi - Aircraft of the Aces GB.

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Thanks guys.

Today's update.

Did a test with acrylic green of the cammo pattern, and i liked it so much I have decided to not go enamel on top of it.

Instead I fixed up the already painted areas and did the rest of the ship.

getting close to completion now!
Hello all:
I´m new here. Today I´ve searching some documentation for my Ki-84 kit.
As I have found almost no pictures, so I uploaded my folder. You can see in Santa Cruz.
I'm trying to make several models simultaneously, a Ki-84, a Ki-44, a N1K2-J and one of them is a Ki-61... Japanese time?
I´ve documented for the Hien too. With severals models and decorations of Kobayashi´s planes.
If you like, I would give you that before begin the camouflage´s work. Where do I Send you?
A little late, already did teh primary camo for the plane, but thanks for the offer!

You can post pictures in the trhead if you like.
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