Thanks very much, Hugh and Geo.
And yes Geo, it would seem that 108 Squadron's time with the Mosquito was limited overall. After eventually starting Ops on the type, they flew them to Egypt, where it's likely they became the 'property' of 46 Sqn, the subject of this build, and who's Beaufighters 108 Sqn might have 'inherited' !
Got a lot more progress done, with the nose joint cleaned up, the canopy joint sealed, landing lamps masked, wings and wing tips fitted, and the tail planes in place.
Just got to do a little tidying and clean up, and it'll be ready for paint.
PIC 1. The main wings slot on to the short spars, and are 'locked' in place by this 'pin and plug', which fits into a hole in a lug running of the spars.
PIC 2. This shows the spars, with the lug and hole, marked by the arrow,, which fits inside the wing, in line with the recess and hole shown above.
PIC 3. The wings are slotted in place, and cemented around the butt joints, with the 'plug' then cemented into the recess. It's not fully 'home' here, as this was a trial fit, but, when properly fitted and cemented, the joint, on the port wing at least, was far from perfect. The main problem was the very minimal mating surfaces of the wing root, where only a small, thin bead of cement contacts the fuselage.
This lead to a slight droop on the port wing, with the dihedral 'out' by around 2 mm, compared to the starboard wing, the latter being a very good, tight fit.
PIC 4. Here is the very small gap in the wing root joint, caused by the slight droop in dihedral. Tiny, yes, but it would be very visible once painted.
PIC 5. The solution was to pull the wing in place to the correct dihedral, and then run a very fine bead of CA adhesive along the joint line.
The dihedral is still very slightly 'out', but I don't think it will be noticeable, once the model is sitting on its 'legs'. The joint will be cleaned-up once the wings have fully set.
PICS 6 and 7. The single nav lamp win tips have been fitted, again with less than perfect joints,with the worst one being on the starboard side this time. Once fully set, the joints will be filled and sanded flush. The lamp lenses will be fitted after painting the model.
PIC 8. Both landing lamps have been masked, using Tamiya tape. I was going to use 'Maskol' liquid mask, but this has a tendency to 'shrink back' slightly on circular parts, which is not always noticeable, until the area is painted and the 'Maskol' is removed.
PICS 9 and 10. The tail planes have been fitted, and the model is almost ready for the first painting stage. Once all joints have been attended to, and the model given an overall clean and polish, it will be sprayed overall in Medium Sea Grey, and I'll be using the Model Master paints, kindly supplied by Andy (Crimea River) - thanks again Andy !
This will act as a primer for the modified and filled areas, as well as a base for a second coat of MSG. This will be followed by the Dark Green on the upper surfaces, and then the 'Night', which was sprayed over the original finish, with a 'freehand', loose pattern along the lower fuselage.
I hope to get the first coat of paint done tomorrow, although as I have a scheduled hospital appointment, and have some 'running around' to do, I might not get this done until some time tomorrow night.
Thanks again for watching, and I'll be back as soon as possible.