**** DONE: 1/72 B-24H “Booby Trap” - Heavy Hitters II GB

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The B-24H did not have the side view windows on either side of the rear hatch so I filled them and re-scribed the panel lines Pic 1 before. Pic 2 after. Pic 3 shows the overall fuselage after all seams were filled, filed, sanded and re-scribed. Also added the horizontal stabilizer which will need a little fairing in at the fuselage

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I had been using a scriber I bought from micro-Mark years ago it made a nice clean line but was hard to control. on this model I'm using an x-acto #10 curved blade using a rolling motion to cut the initial line then turning it over and backdragging the tip to enlarge the line. The lines in the picture still need to be cleaned out a little, but I'm very happy with the results.

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