Followed Vics advice to finish off what I started on Saturday. The next day fom my big night of polishing revealed that some maks still remained (moisture on the glass at 3am hid some of the scuff marks). I could not find that Future floor wax that terry mentioned, so in the finish used an automotive product called "Paint Doctor". It says its suitable for acrylics as well a enamels and is good for clear finishes. no hydrocarbon or ammonia seemed present in the formula. Tried the stuff on some clear plastic sprue. All good
Have applied the cutting compound (I think thats what it is). it seems to work marvelllously. Not too much work (about two hours), no effect on the surrounding paintwork (there was some loss off paint on the canopy framing, but this is acceptable), no scratching of the clear fact they are sparkling as Terry describes . The clear surfaces of the canopies have come up even better than when I sanded the other night.....not perfect, but a lot better at least
I will try and get some final shots of the build before posting. Ive ordered a cabinet for the model (which is a good sign that finally I am happy to put it into my collection. Case should arrive this week....just in time to meet the deadline.
Thank you so much for the great advice and support guys. i say it a lot, but this really was very valuble and appreciated help.