Chief Master Sergeant
Username: imalko
First name: Igor
Category: Category 2/Intermediate
Scale: 1:72
Manufacturer: Academy
Model Type: Messerschmitt Me-109E
Details: L-21 No 2521, 101. eskadrila, 31. Vazduhoplovna grupa, 6. Lovački puk at airfield Veliki Radinci II in summer 1940
Decals: aftermarket decals by Lift here! (Limited edition kit decals made in Serbia)
Here is my entry into this group build. I've decided to make this particular model because we had 70th anniversary of April War last month so I thought this would be nice way to mark the occasion. Quick translation of terms used above: eskadrila - squadron, vazduhoplovna grupa - air group, lovački puk - fighter wing or regiment (these are literal translations into western terminology, but of course numerical strength of these units was different/smaller then in the RAF or USAAF). Also VVKJ is abbreviation from "Vazduhoplovstvo Vojske Kraljevine Jugoslavije" which means Army Air Force of Kingdom of Yugoslavia. One more thing, in VVKJ service Messerchmitt's fighter was officially designated Me-109E-3 instead of common Luftwaffe designation Bf 109E. The letter "L" in aircraft designation (L-21 in this case) means lovac - fighter.
The kit is well known Academy kit in 1/72nd scale planned to be build OOB. The paint scheme for this aircraft is simple RLM70/65 so I hope it will go without major problems.
First name: Igor
Category: Category 2/Intermediate
Scale: 1:72
Manufacturer: Academy
Model Type: Messerschmitt Me-109E
Details: L-21 No 2521, 101. eskadrila, 31. Vazduhoplovna grupa, 6. Lovački puk at airfield Veliki Radinci II in summer 1940
Decals: aftermarket decals by Lift here! (Limited edition kit decals made in Serbia)
Here is my entry into this group build. I've decided to make this particular model because we had 70th anniversary of April War last month so I thought this would be nice way to mark the occasion. Quick translation of terms used above: eskadrila - squadron, vazduhoplovna grupa - air group, lovački puk - fighter wing or regiment (these are literal translations into western terminology, but of course numerical strength of these units was different/smaller then in the RAF or USAAF). Also VVKJ is abbreviation from "Vazduhoplovstvo Vojske Kraljevine Jugoslavije" which means Army Air Force of Kingdom of Yugoslavia. One more thing, in VVKJ service Messerchmitt's fighter was officially designated Me-109E-3 instead of common Luftwaffe designation Bf 109E. The letter "L" in aircraft designation (L-21 in this case) means lovac - fighter.
The kit is well known Academy kit in 1/72nd scale planned to be build OOB. The paint scheme for this aircraft is simple RLM70/65 so I hope it will go without major problems.
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