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I do Vic. Problem is, this current 'pretend' Humbrol stuff is nowhere near the quality of the original product. The ones which have 'gone off' are the second of each colour I bought (got 2 tins of each) only about four weeks ago ! I've got some Humbrol (the original 'real' Humbrol) which is well over 30 years old, and still perfect!
The main problem is that one of the colours is a 'basic' - matt white, and the other the dark green 163 (better than the current No.30), with which I was going to mix (with the addition of black) the RLM02 for the internal canopy frames and armour plate, to match the rest of the interior.
I do Vic. Problem is, this current 'pretend' Humbrol stuff is nowhere near the quality of the original product. The ones which have 'gone off' are the second of each colour I bought (got 2 tins of each) only about four weeks ago ! I've got some Humbrol (the original 'real' Humbrol) which is well over 30 years old, and still perfect!
The main problem is that one of the colours is a 'basic' - matt white, and the other the dark green 163 (better than the current No.30), with which I was going to mix (with the addition of black) the RLM02 for the internal canopy frames and armour plate, to match the rest of the interior.