**** DONE: Bf109F-1, W.Nr. 5628, Werner Molders, Stab JG51, Me/FW Group Build.

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Looking good Terry. About that step at the wing tip, do you think it might help to take some material off the wing top and bottom glue surfaces so they come together closer to the thickness of the tip? Too late for you now but not for me!
Thanks guys !
Andy, the best bet would be to build-up the underside of the wing tip parts, before fitting, and sand to the required profile. Probably a thin piece of plastic card, and filler/putty would do the job, blended outwards to the tip. It only needs probably half a mm, as the 'step' isn't that bad, but is noticeable. Sanding the wing seemed to work, but the blue paint seems to emphasise things!
Thinning the inner halves of the wing parts would create a problem with the wing thickness and the fitting of the slats.
Another way would be to leave a space of less than 1 mm between the wing and the tip, then fill and blend this. The increase in overall span shouldn't be noticed, and if I'd known, I might have tried this method.
Thanks Wojtek and Hugh.
Got the top sides done, just needs a smidgin of touch up, then on to the mottle. Next step after that is the yellow nose.
Not the best lighting to show the correct tones here, but I'm sure you'll get the idea.


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Got the mottle and yellow nose done. Checking the available photos against the profiles, it's very evident that there were two aircraft, with slightly different fuselage spine cammo patterns, and different shaped Kommandeur winkels. I've gone with the one with light mottle, and the RLM 71 extending down the angle of the rear cockpit.
PICS 1 and 2 Show the modified spine pattern, the light mottle of RLM 02 and the yellow nose.
PIC 3. The rudder as provided in the kit, with ribs as a big as the bars on a farm gate, and some light flash.
PIC 4. After being filed and sanded, but before polishing. Keeping just a light impression of the ribs.
PIC 5. After painting, using a mix of Humbrol No. 30 Trainer Yellow (enamel), with a touch of red added. After a gloss coat of enamel clear varnish, this should look even smoother, and more like the real thing.
Next step is some detail painting and very light panel work, then clear gloss coats. Whilst the latter is hardening, work can be done on the undercart and prop.
Thanks again for your continued interest and I'll post some more pics soon.


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