A bit more progress, with most of the small bits assembled and painted, and the detail painting, exhausts, some weathering and staining and light panel work done.
PICS 1 to 3. The model gloss coated, and the work as described above completed.
PIC 4. The spinner had the cannon muzzle drilled out, and was then sprayed matt white and masked, ready for the RLM 71 coat.
PIC 5. The prop and spinner painted, After removing the mask from the spinner, I found I'd made the white 1/3 rd segment too big, so re-masked and brush painted the bl**dy thing !! After a bit of retouching, it will be assembled and given a coat of semi-matt clear, which should even things up.
PIC 6. Brake lines were added to the main gear legs, using lead wire,before painting and assembly. A light dirty wash was brushed onto the gear doors. The Academy wheels have yet to have the hubs gloss coated.
Next stage is to start on the decals, using a combination of those from the kit, Kagero (thanks again Wojtek!), Microscale, the spares files and some home made abschuss zeichen.
Thanks again for your interest and compliments, and I should get some more pics over the weekend (Public holiday here on Monday.).