**** DONE: Bf109F-1, W.Nr. 5628, Werner Molders, Stab JG51, Me/FW Group Build.

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Thanks Harrison and Wojtek. Working on the bits and pieces at the moment, and replacing the kit's wheels with some from the spares box. Should have some pics over the weekend.
Meanwhile, here are the kit wheels (PIC 1) and a pair from the Academy 'Buchon' kit (PIC 2.), not used for that type. I've been looking for an old pair from the Airfix 'F', but b*ggered if I can find them !


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I'm with dirkpitt289 as far as being absorbed by my own projects goes.

Looks like a typical ICM kit sofar (a tad over engineered in certain areas) but you sofar you've tured it into a nice looking 'F', even though certain areas needed some extra attention (as far as I can tell from looking at the pics). Gotta love the 'Friedrich' though. If anything, to me it's the best look 109 in the range
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Thanks guys. More pics soon, when there's something to show. I'm keeping this one more or less OOB, so some areas haven't been detailed further.
A bit more progress, with most of the small bits assembled and painted, and the detail painting, exhausts, some weathering and staining and light panel work done.
PICS 1 to 3. The model gloss coated, and the work as described above completed.
PIC 4. The spinner had the cannon muzzle drilled out, and was then sprayed matt white and masked, ready for the RLM 71 coat.
PIC 5. The prop and spinner painted, After removing the mask from the spinner, I found I'd made the white 1/3 rd segment too big, so re-masked and brush painted the bl**dy thing !! After a bit of retouching, it will be assembled and given a coat of semi-matt clear, which should even things up.
PIC 6. Brake lines were added to the main gear legs, using lead wire,before painting and assembly. A light dirty wash was brushed onto the gear doors. The Academy wheels have yet to have the hubs gloss coated.
Next stage is to start on the decals, using a combination of those from the kit, Kagero (thanks again Wojtek!), Microscale, the spares files and some home made abschuss zeichen.
Thanks again for your interest and compliments, and I should get some more pics over the weekend (Public holiday here on Monday.).


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Thanks Evan and Vic.
Got the major decals on, but yet to do all the stencils etc. Some of the decals caused problems, including some Microscale items, which virtually dissolved! I seem to recall I had trouble with that particular sheet even when it was new - about 25 years ago!!
I spent a long time studying photos of the two aircraft, before settling on which winkels to use, and went for the slightly elongated style, with the short forward bar. These are seen on the aircraft which has the RLM 71 top decking colour extended around the cockpit.
PICS 1 and 2 show the model to date.
PIC 3. One of the kit's under wing crosses broke up, and will need re-touching.
PICS 4 and 5. The majority of the crosses from the kit's decal sheet were slightly out of register on one edge, showing a white outline. These will need re-touching also. The area around and above the Kommandeur winkel will also need to have the green top colour extended, and a plain RLM 65 area painted above the forward bar, as seen in a photo of this machine with Molders in the cockpit. This will be done once all the decals are in place and sealed.
Next stage is to place all the stencils, if they don't break up !
Thanks again for your continued interest and kind comments.


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