Done : Bf110G-4, G9+AT, of III/NJG1, Gruppe Build.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
After doing a dizzy deal with Jan, I've got myself the 1/48th scale Revell-Monogram 'Pro Modeler' kit of the Bf110G-4, from his stash!
I was expecting the G-2 'Pulk Zerstorer', and had set up for this, thinking I had no chance of finding the nightfighter version. So, I'm chuffed to bits that I can do the nightfighter now!
Thanks Jan, old chap!
The kit is very nice, and, so far, looks accurate against the scale plans I've had stored away for about 27 years, when I last built a '110. The radio and SN2 radar are included, as are the 'schrage musik' cannon, and I've got the required decals somewhere in my files.
However, although I've got plenty of references, including photos, I only have a black white profile of this particular machine, Wk.Nr.160616, in a modelling magazine from 1989!
If anyone has a pic or colour profile of this, or similar aircraft from III/NJG1 from late 1944/early '45, I would appreciate it.
I now have a slight problem, as my old airbrush won't cope with the swirling mottled camouflage over the basic overall RLM76, not in this scale anyway, so I'm going to have to follow Dan's lead (or Becca's really), and get a new 'brush. But, the so-called 'credit crunch' might work in my favour, as I've spotted another 'brush, at a great price, which is double-action and fine line, gravity fed. So, if I can order before the offer ends, I should be in business.
I'll be starting this probably tomorrow (Sunday), so I'll post some pics then; meanwhile, here's the somewhat plain box art work to have a look at.


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Thanks Dan.
Yep Jan, that would appear to be the one! Thanks very much!
My old profile shows the black 'AT' code letters a little thicker, which I think will be more accurate, but it doesn't have spiralled spinners.
Darn! It's starting isn't it? Conflicting info again!
Hmm...decisions. Unless I get hard evidence to the contrary, I think I'll go with plain RLM 76 spinners, for the following reasons:-
A.) All the pics I have/have seen of this period, show plain spinners.
B.) Spirals are a b*st*rd to hand-paint!
Still, your profile is much better than the old B&W half-tone one I have, so should prove very useful.
Thanks again Jan, old chap, get yourself a MacCallan!
EDIT:- Crossing posts; thanks Daniel, as I'm wide awake, I'm about to start on the basic interior paintwork. Might have some pics up later.
Jan what kind of camo is that ? dang that is an intersting profile, the measurements look good but the spinners are wrong the AT is too small and not thick enough, there is no bomb rack under the fusleage like the box art

I've got several pics but no way to put them up here, so will have to talk this one out with Terry and you guys.

now Terry are you planning a 1944 machine like the box art with the straight SN-2c aerials - up and down ? 1945 the unit had the SN-2d with canted dipoles at 45 degrees.

after war the shows the angled dipoles, the welle - meander paint pattern some what loose on the fuselage but much tighter over the engines and on the nose to the radar. heavy mottling on the spinner caps no black/white spirals on this job. Sorry cannot read the werke nummer on the tail fin.
That looks like one of Spartys profiles, not sure if he hangs out here but I might go get his attention
Thanks very much chaps, with all of the 'best of luck' wishes, I have the feeling someone might think this is going to be a bit of a b!tch!
Well, you're right! After nine hours of work, including painting, I spent a further hour trying to get the bl**dy schrage Musik 20mm cannons to sit correctly!
Thanks very much for the info Erich. The only written information I have about this aircraft states that it is 1945. I have scale plans and photos showing the SN2 antenna angled, and I don't think it will be a major problem to modify the kit parts, as I'll probably make my own dipoles, if I end up going for the later period.
The old B&W profile I have shows the codes as I believe they should be; thicker and slightly larger, and also shows a mottle, in a heavy swirl pattern, as opposed to the 'mirror wave' in the profile Jan kindly posted. Also, the spinners are shown as RLM76, also with mottle in RLM74.
The Werke Nr. is 160616, and although there are no exhaust dampers shown, I think this is more due to the artist using a standard line drawing for all of the aircraft profiled in the magazine article, rather than anything else.
Anyway, the model is being built more or less out-of-the-box, and the only additions/mods so far have been a pilot's seat harness (using my normal high-tech method of painted paper strips!), and drilling out the slot for the harness in the seat back.
Anything and everything that required a coat of RLM02 has been painted, think I even got next door's cat, and the major components of the cockpit have been assembled, after the consoles, fittings etc were painted in an approximation of RLM66, in various shades, to give a 'scale colour' effect, and show some depth and contrast once the long greenhouse canopy is in place.
The kit parts for the Funkgerat, and the SN2 gear look fairly accurate, and it's a pity most of it won't be fully visible once the canopy is in place; but at least it saved me trying to paint the small white numbers on the transmitter and receiver! A couple of white dots will have to do!
The pics tell the story, and there is quite a bit more to go in to the interior, after the fuselage halves are joined, with some items, such as the rear guns and the canopy-mounted equipment being left until after painting and decaling.
Thanks very much for your interest and encouragement.


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Thanks guys, and nice to 'see' you back Kevin. I thought maybe you'd been kidnapped by one of the girls from the 'Breaking News' thread; the one who has her own model shop attached to the pub!

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