Done : Bf110G-4, G9+AT, of III/NJG1, Gruppe Build.

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Thats what I've done for one so far but I have to tell ya, watching you guys with what you do kinda gives me inspiration to at least not give up.

Man, thats a hellava nice 110!!!!
Thanks yet again Chris! If it helps, it was seeing the good job you're doing on your '410 that inspired me for my '110!
I'm sure you'll get it right, and that it'll look even better than it does so far. As for being quick, it's taken me, what, about 4 to five weeks so far, and remember, iIhave a lot of free time! Which reminds me, I need to order another consignment of Midnight Oil!!!
The end is nigh!
I'm on the final stretch with the '110 now. The windscreen joint has been sealed with Kristal Kleer, and then painted and blended to match the surroundings. When all of the other small detail work is completed, and the remaining canopy parts fitted, the 'new' paint will be given a thin coat of clear semi-matt to match the overall finish.(PICTURES 1 and 2).
The mounts for the Lorenz beam-approach antenna have been made from stretched sprue, and glued into pre-drilled holes on the underside of the fuselage.
PICTURES 3 and 4 show the mounts before cutting to length, and the antenna aerial rods , again from stretched sprue, being fitted in place.
All of the underside aerials, aileron mass balances and the retractable boarding steps are in place, as shown in PICTURE 5, and the model is now ready to receive a final clean up and some re-touching as required (PICTURE 6), before the opening sections of the canopy are fitted, together with the radio antenna wires, and finally, the SN2d 'antler' dipoles, which are painted, ready to be positioned at the correct angle.
There are now so many small, delicate parts in place, that the model has become difficult to handle, so I think I'll be making a temporary jig to hold it steady whilst the final details are completed. I'll post some more pics fairly soon, and thanks once again for your interest and kind comments.


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