Done : Bf110G-4, G9+AT, of III/NJG1, Gruppe Build.

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Don't be embarrassed Terry! You should be brimming with pride at how that bird looks, it's a prizewinner!
Fantastic job Terry!

Can we work out some sort of loophole in the build rules so that the judges can enter in the competition? (Don't laugh, I'm serious! )
As far as I know all concerned, I have complete faith none would show favouritism for their own model, but judge as fairly and critically as they would anyone else's. (Or it could be arranged so they can't judge on their own model)

I think Terry's done some great models for this build, and Wayne's and Wojtek's are no doubt going to come out treats aswell. It would be a shame for them to sit it out on the sidelines as judges.

What d'yas think?
Well I think the judges models should be given away as prizes. Terry's bf110 could be given to the best 1/48 Hasegawa Fw190A-6 'White 5' build.....
Thanks for the compliments on the judges models guys, I'm sure the other judges appreciate it as much as I do.
Personally, I'm happy enough just to contribute, and encourage the 'spirit of the event'; but no doubt all of the judges 'entries' will be included in the final pictures gallery.
I have a couple of words to respond to your suggestion M, one of which is off!
Having said that, cross my palm with a bottle or two, and you never know....!!!
Der Nachtjager ist Kommt! (with apologies for my rusty German!)


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Looks very kool Terry.One misses all the good stuff when you are away,Nice job Sir.Cheer's Kevin
Wow! Sweet Terry!

If that thing was on a base and perhaps the photo black and white I don't think it could get any more real!

Top marks mate!
Thanks guys! It was a ten-minute job, a 'quickie' just for fun! I saw the moon, took a quick, deliberately soft-focus shot, banged it up on the PC screen, stuck the model in front, with weak light, through my fingers, from a blue L.E.D. torch, and took the shots! A quick cropping job on the photo-editing suite, and Hey Presto!
When the model is totally finished, I think I might build a 'set', and do some proper 'atmospheric' shots, with a background etc.
Watch this space!

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