Done : Bf110G-4, G9+AT, of III/NJG1, Gruppe Build.

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No Terry just work and life.I just got off a 21 days straight stint of work with many many hrs.I am looking at mine,maybe tonight, yard work and shop today.I did break out the M1a and 03 yesterday .Just wanted to let you know I am back and now back to the feature ME110 at hand.Cheers Kevin
Terry unless you have been able to increase the size of the photo of the line up shot I do not see a Schräg-waffen installation on this crate.

E ~
Ah poo! Thanks Erich. I've just found the only shot I've ever seen of this machine, which IS in a line-up, photogtaphed from the starboard side. It's in a Russian publication, but the pic is too grainy to see if it's got the Shrage.
Darn, thought I was getting somewhere - might have to find a new scheme. The ones in the kit I don't like, and I'm dubious anyway, as the info in the 'History' on the instruction sheet doesn't match with the units shown on the colour diagrams, and the decals are out of register anyway.
Anyone got a mottle scheme for a Bf110G-4, with SN2, early or late?
If not, I'll have to convert /scratch-build the radar antenna to Lichtenstein, as I've got some schemes for those machines. I could, of course, remove the 2 MG151/20's.......
This is starting to look like Dave's Me410 saga!!
Sorry, thanks Cory and Dan.
Dan, there's nothing special done there, just an almost steady hand, and a bit of patience, plus some light washes and dry brushing. Some areas, such as the instrument panel, could be better, but my hands are too stiff and bent these days to command the brush to go where I want it to!!
this is all i could find terry, the pic is of G9+AT and a profile of a G-4 both from Nachtjager_vol._2_-_Luftwaffe_Night_Fighter_Units__1943-1945
i can e-mail you the full size profile if you wish


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the pic montage is incorrect for G9+AT, what is shown is the A/C next to it, the caption is mismarked as it is G9+HT

now for the b/w pic and profile of DC which is very close together although the grey-violet does not stand out in the profile as it should over the top of the spine-fuselage, the profile is just plain too-grey but that is the case with both volumes of the N-Jager work too light and too grey
Thanks chaps.
Erich, the pic I have of G9+AT is similar to the one rochie posted, but 'AT' is clearly visible as the second aircraft, and shown in full. Unfortunately, the angle is such that the rear cockpit is not visible. However, as the pic and profile of the Stab machine both show the Schrage Musik weapons installed, would it be logical to assume the other kites also had it?
I agree about the 'pale' tones in the profile but, other than that, the pattern appears to match the B&W pic, poor though that is.
Karl, if you could e-mail the profile, and the pic if possible, I'd be grateful. No rush mate, as it's going to be a week at least before any paint goes near the model, and then it'll be just the RLM76 for now.
By then, I can decide on 'AT' or the Stab machine.
Thanks very much for the help chaps.
So, colour schemes and weapons fit aside, I've continued with the main build, and got the cockpit fitted into the fuselage, and the fuselage halves joined. Pics 1 2 show the cockpit in place.
Pic 3 is a rather rough lower nose joint, due to slight warping, which will be filled and sanded back; fortunately, the rest of the fuselage was more or less OK, with just a little sanding and re-scribing required.
The engine nacelles have been assembled and fitted to the wings, and I was going to drill-out the wheel bay frame members, and add a little more detail. But, as this won't really be seen, I didn't bother! The wheel bays are shown in
Pic 4.
Pic 5 shows the wings ready to be mated to the fuselage.
The wings were fitted without too much problem, although the method of attachment leaves a bit to be desired. One wing includes the lower fuselage panel, which fits well, but the other wing relies on a fairly small area to be cemented, plus the lower wing to central panel joint.
There is a rather large gap as a result, if an even worse gap at the upper root joint is to be avoided. There was also a rather prominent gap at the lower leading edge of the starboard wing. Both of these will be filled with superglue, and probably varnish and talcum powder, then sanded back. The start of this process is shown in:-
Pics 6 and 7.
As the wings were setting, the model was placed on a flat surface, and the dihedral angle checked, by measuring the height of each wing tip, shown in
Pic 8.
The final pic shows progress to date, with the wings in place, and the tail and nose assemblies yet to be constructed and fitted. Once that is done, construction moves on to the under wing radiators, which will be fitted. Then it's the landing gear, and other additional parts which will be fitted after painting.
Hopefully, once those wing gaps are sanded, and any other small gaps attended to, it should be a fairly painless task to re-scribe any lost surface detail, then clean, polish and prime the airframe, ready for the first coat of RLM76.
I'll be using Vallejo paints for the first time, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Thanks again for your interest.


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thanks for the info Erich, i've thought the profiles looked a little pale and lacking in contrast between the different colours which makes me worry about the colours when i paint my models !

check your e-mail Terry
too bad the last pic is not a bit more clear Roachie, so we could see if there is SM installation or not and the welle pattern how tight it is. the line up photo gives a different opinion

good pic regardless.........thanks

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