Okay, here's more Wayneman........
Air brush painted everything green, even the wheel wells and their plumbing. Then couldn't resist and sprayed the outside of the gear doors Tamiya AS-8 blue.
Now am in the midst of attempting to paint the interior. How bl00dy difficult is This. I bet the people at Aires laff at every one of these kits. I sprayed the back of the instruments clear film white, Tamiya TS matt white. Then used white glue to stick that baby on the resin panel area. I placed a drop of white glue over each instrument, used a toothpick for this, then pushed the PE panel over the top of the white glue with a little glue coming thru each hole a bit. This all dried and you get instrument glass!!!! Easy peasy. Sorry for the quality of the instr panel pic!
So now I go back to the panels and add color to the knobs and stuff, while watching the Melbourne F1 Grand Prix qualifying!!!!!!