**** DONE: GB-36 1/48 Macchi C.202 Folgore - Axis Manufactured Aircraft of WWII

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Very nice. The resin upgrade I got for my Ki-43 came with an acetate sheet containing the IP dials and one gun sight reflector leaving enough clear area for a couple hundred more reflectors
Good work on the gun sight. I'd rather the manufacturer mold the gun sight in regular plastic without the glass elements just to simplify things.

Yes please!

The resin upgrade I got for my Ki-43 came with an acetate sheet containing the IP dials and one gun sight reflector leaving enough clear area for a couple hundred more reflectors

Yeah, Eduard provided a small sheet with 3 oversize templates but the excess will make maybe a dozen more so I'll hang on to that.
Good stuff Kirby.
Over the years, I've become fed up with cutting off reflector screens and replacing with thin, clear sheet. Sometimes it's OK, but mostly, the 'new' screen is then sitting slightly too high, even if a slot is cut for it, due to the thickness of the clear plastic of the gun sight.
For my next seven Bf109Es for my BoB collection, for example, I'm going to use 'Quickboost' resin REVI sights, six in a pack, as it'll be much easier, and look a lot better.
Nice surprise in the old Fujimi Bf110 kit - the gun sight is the body only, provided as 'solid' plastic, not clear .
Just because I can't get enough of PE on this build, I decided to make a start on the landing gear next. Surgery was performed on the struts to remove the moulded plastic oleo scissors and mounts for the covers and replacement PE parts installed. The pistons were sprayed enamel gloss black and then Alclad aluminium before masking and installation of the PE scissors. Gear bay doors were also constructed from layers of PE. This model is a real PE fest...

A thinner butterfly valve would absolutely make my day. Which goes to show how my days are going....

Well, after that how could I not? The butterfly valve was thinned (I think it looks better too!) and the windscreen installed. The windscreen has been dipped in Pledge, masked using the supplied Eduard masks, and attached using Micro Krystal Klear and Tamiya Extra Thin. Small gaps were filled with Micro Krystal Klear which was wiped flush with a cotton bud damped with water (well, with spit in this case as I couldn't be bothered getting some water!). It was then sprayed the interior frame colour using a scale black mix.

Everything was then masked off using a combination of tape, wet kitchen towel, and liquid mask. The airframe and various landing gear assemblies were then primed with Tamiya Surface Primer Fine which was decanted from the spray can and sprayed by airbrush.

All of the seams and filled areas were hunky dory so, at last, ta daaaa, we're ready for paint and not before time! But you're going to have to wait for that as I'm off to the US tomorrow for a week for work and they frown on airbrushing in hotel rooms...
I've just trolled my way through this post and there is some serious building going on here, really great stuff Kirby and it's nice to see the PE being installed with such panache. Hope your trip goes well and hurry back, I want to see more.
Thanks Wojtek, Terry, Andy, Hugh, and Vic, very kind of you

In Orlando now so I'll use the time to think through the painting strategy for this camo - it's not straight forward.

That IS going to be difficult. The base colour is the green, but then you have a differing scheme for the engine cover to the remainder of the aircraft The main section is a three colour scheme, roughly similar to the prewar tricolor scheme used by the RA, yet different at the same time . It will look stunning if you get it right (which you will).
Thanks for your confidence Michael! What I have determined is that I will paint the cowling and the rest of the airframe seaparetly, but I'm still tossing up whether to paint the airframe the yellow colour first and paint around it with the green or vice versa. Also whether to go freehand or fashion some masking (probably the former). Any suggestions welcome!

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