****DONE Heavy Hitters GB Revell 1/48 Ju-87D

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I tried...


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Looking good. But why so far from the side of the plate.It is a wasting of material. Now drill the holes as was showed. And cut out the part going close to the pencil lines
Nice just watch how much paint you're using on the model. I'm assuming you're brush paint like I do. The excess on the upper surfaces will be a pain when you paint over that with the camo. Keep the brush loaded with paint but not so much it pools on the model, this should keep your application neat and even. A touch of thinners also never hurts.

A good point Alex. Also there is a lack of putty in these gaps between the wing underside and fuselage at these joins. Another mistake, painting without finishing of preparing of the surfaces.Just for the future builds.

Harry have you made the additional part for the light bay yet. It might have made you being less bored.;)
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A good point Alex. Also there is a lack of putty in these gaps between the wing underside and fuselage at these joins. Another mistake, painting without finishing of preparing of the surfaces.Just for the future builds.

Harry have you made the additional part for the light bay yet. It might have made you being less bored.;)

I did do it! As well as the P-40 work!!

So ha! :lol:

I just couldn't get a good pic so I'll post it today..

Oh VB the sword.....hmmmm, I just saw it there too.. my little brother likes to hit people, better hide it!
Uhumm.... also it would be nice if you would have attached these wheel spats. There will be gaps between their roots and the wing bulges for sure.
Oh VB the sword.....hmmmm, I just saw it there too.. my little brother likes to hit people, better hide it!

Ah, the old "it's not mine, it's my little brother's" story...:rolleyes: (Does your dog eat your homework too?) :) :)

Nice progress being made mate! Follow Wojtek's advice carefully and she should come out a beauty!
It's coming along great H. How's the thanksgiving going, are you full to the brim?
:hotsun: :hotsun:

Thanksgiving was good had a lot to eat though.. cousins were happy to see us. There were abut 17 guests here and one of which builds Model airplanes. So I talked to him for a bit.

The sword.......... ugh you guys got me. I am the only 14 year old boy who plays with a plastic sword in New Jersey :lol:

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