Well, the last bits are done - but numpty here forgot to charge the spare camera batteries, and the others have just died on me. I'll consider myself b*llocked !
The antenna mast has been made and fitted, the rudder mast added, and the wires added, along with the IFF wires. I was just about to fit the kit's antenna mast, which is the later, common, tapered mast with the 'tab' for the wires, when I remembered this airframe still had the early, 'straight' mast. So this was made from a piece of plastic rod, and the hole for the lead-in filled and painted.
By this period of the Battle, many squadrons had moved on to the VHF sets, without wires, but these were predominantly in the South. As far as I am aware, in the North West, most squadrons were still on the TR9 series radios, so the wires are in place.
The gun ports have been covered in 'fabric', made from decal tissue cover, and holed and stained, and the pitot and boarding step have been fitted, along with a flap cover for the port side hand grip.
All that remains now is to get the bl**dy photos - which I will do tomorrow - promise!