**** DONE: Hurricane Mk1, L1807, DU-X, 312 (Czech)Sqn, RAF, October 1940 Group Build.

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Thanks Vic and Dan. No worries Vic, still got 8 full days, so should get both models done. Famous last words ...!!
I've had a bit of a marathon session, as I couldn't get to sleep - again!
The model is almost finished, with just a few details to complete, and a little touch-up here and there.
PIC 1 The kit exhausts have been improved, partly re-shaped and drilled out. Here's a before and 'during' shot, as the work is being done.
PIC 2. The exhausts fitted and painted, although there's still a little detail painting to add. The gun sight and canopy are also in place, with the latter awaiting touch-up to cover the PVA sealer. The little blob behind the cockpit is the top navigation lamp, made from extruded PVA.
PIC 3. The main undercart being assembled, with brake lines from lead wire.
PIC 4. Undercart and wheels painted and dirtied - it was wet in Liverpool in October 1940 - now there's a surprise!!
PIC 5. Undercarriage on, with the downward identification lamp just visible behind the radiator.
PICS 6 and 7. How the model looks to date.
All being well, it should be finished by tonight, then fixed to a base.
The model will be sent to Roman, in the Czech Republic, after Christmas, to avoid any loss, and probable damage, in the Yuletide postal rush !


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Thank you Roman, and it's been a pleasure. Still got the bigger scale Hurricane to tackle yet !
That's ok mate. Was just thinking you would feel right at home here in Canberra at the moment, it's been pis*ing it down for three days now and there is still more to come................
Thanks very much indeed guys. Well, it's almost finished, along with the Bf109, but I don't think I'll get the pics done until tomorrow at the earliest - got a few things getting in the way, including the bl**dy weather!
It hasn't been fitted yet my friend. I still have to fit it and paint it, along with the wires and the IFF wires, plus the pitot and boarding step. But at the moment, my hands are too stiff and sore for such delicate work. Hopefully, I'll get these bits done, and the same on the Bf109, tomorrow, after I (hopefully) get some good sleep!

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