**** DONE: Mig-17F 'Fresco' NVAF Vietnam 1968

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Senior Airman
Apr 13, 2010
User name: tonyb
Name: Tony
Category: 3-Beginner
Kit: Kitech Mig-17F Soviet Interceptor
Scale: 1/48
Accessoriesrobably a bit of scratch building e.g. wiring in cockpit/wheel bays

Ok,this is my first ever participation in a GB so this should be interesting.
I have never attempted a 1/48 scale aircraft before so I opted for a cheap and easy (I think..) kit and will try very hard to turn it into a thing of beauty.
Here is the kit in question -

After a lengthy search thru the internet I finally discovered that this bird was part of the NVAF 923rd 'Yen The' Fighter Regiment' and the pilot was 'Le Hai' who was credited with 6 victories during the conflict in Vietnam and was highly decorated accordingly.
As u can see from the illustration below,Kitech made a very ordinary guess at the camo! -

I shall endeavour to be more accurate.The kit is ok for the price but I hope to improve it as much as I can.I don't have anywhere near the skill level of most builders here but I do promise to have a good go.I have a plethora of reference pics which should help.
In case ur wondering,'Kitech' is a cheap knock-off of the Hobbycraft kit so detail is not good,hence the need to to get stiuck into it and improve it.
Ok,time to get cracking!
Nice one mate! Sometimes these basic kits can be an advantage, as after a bit of scratch-building, they turn out great! I always think that as long as the main parts are accurate in shape and size etc, and the fit is at least reasonable, then that's fine. It's too easy to get accustomed to today's super-detailed, build-themselves kits!!
Great choice mate! looking forward to this!

...looking at those wings, I reckon that's where Dragon screwed up my MiG-15 too - maybe I should convert her to a Fresco instead...
Welcome to the Forum Tony and welcome to your first Group build. The concept of a modeling group build over the Internet is a lot of fun. I don't know how accomplished a modeler you are but the guys here know their stuff and are more then willing to help with issues and information. I surf a lot of forums and this is by far the friendliest and most informative I've found. I look forward to seeing your build. Enjoy
Ok,I made a start on this little project beginning with the cockpit.
Here is what I have to work with -

Not a lot of detail as u an see
Here is where I am at currently -

I sourced various photos of Mig 17F cockpits,a lot had a neutral grey scheme but some had a light bluish scheme which looked a dead ringer for Humbrol's Aircraft Blue so that's what I plumped for.Looks a lot more interesting than grey imho.
I fashioned 2 control panels (on each side of the lower slot)from balsa.I love balsa,used it heaps in car dioramas,so easy to shape and mould.
Wasn't happy with the arms for the chair so flipped them on their sides and curled a piece back to make an arm.
Made a small shelf on the left side and wiring will be placed under this.I'm using strands of fly-wire to replicate the wiring as it looks the right scale.
The harness came from a 1/43 scale racing car! I chopped and changed it a bit,not perfect but not too bad.
Control stick from the kit was just straight and featureless so I am using a part from the rear suspension of a 1/43 F1 car.
Next on the list is to add the wiring,and a couple of levers on the panel on the right.In this scale the levers will be about 3mm long so that should be fun!
Then it will be a case of adding switch colours and hopefully it will look half-presentable.
Not having any knowledge of the workings of a Mig doesn't help my cause!
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Looking great so far Tony! You may have seen these pics before but if not I thought they may help with the control panel. The color looks right on!


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