Seven and a half hours work, and she's getting nearer to the painting stage. It doesn't look much, but the forward speed brakes are fitted, in the closed position, as are the ventral fin and rear fuselage intakes, the latter having been drilled or hollowed out. The wings and tail-planes are on, and the aileron's and flaps installed, the latter in the neutral position, correct for a parked aircraft. I was all set to scratch-build the underside Fowler flap tracks, when I discovered the parts are included in the kit. Bonus!
PIC 1. The three dipoles for the I.F.F. antenna were nicely moulded into one fuselage half - until I forgot they were there and wiped them out, putting down the heavily-weighted model! Holes have now been drilled to accept antenna to be made from stretched sprue later.
PIC 2. Forward speed brakes, awaiting a little tidy-up. The two circular engravings immediately above the port brake are the fuelling point valves, the rear one of which will need to be removed, as this version of the MiG 21 only had one.
PIC 3. Some of the lumps and bumps added to the rear end, with the intakes drilled out.
PIC 4. The deployment tracks for the Fowler flaps. To the rear of this is a hydraulic valve which, in a photo Wojtek sent me, is shown as a circular depression inside the fuselage 'hole', with the valve in the centre. This has been replicated on the model by countersinking the engraved 'hole', and part-drilling a smaller hole centrally.
PIC 5. More lumps and bumps on the bottom surfaces. I spent a considerable time modifying the trailing edge of the ventral fin, only to discover I had been looking at a picture of an earlier model! Doh!
It'll be corrected later!
PIC 6. How the model looks to date. When everything has set, a few very tiny gaps will be sealed with my varnish and talc 'porridge', and then the model set aside whilst some attention is given to the ejection seat, landing gear, stores pylons etc. I also need to make some progress with the Buccaneer and Typhoon.
Thanks again for the compliments and your interest.