**** DONE: Revell 1/32 Ju88A-5 4D + MR 7/KG30 MTO Group Build

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This one pal, Ju 88A-4 Werk # 1456 "4D + CR" from 7/KG-30 (Lost, listed as MIA).

Pilot: Lt Arthur Schubert
Observer: Ogefr Rudolf Geppert
R/O: Ogefr Karl Weber
Gunner: Uffz Franz Allweiler

MIA 25 May, 1942; failed to return from a mission over the Barentsea, cause unknown. Whole crew listed as MIA.
Nice one Wayne, and you beat me to it ! I was doing something late last night, bending sprue, when it hit me it would be ideal for the dive angle indicator on your '88.
One thing's for sure, my '88 is going to be more or less OOB, with minimal, scatch-built additions - no way am I going to even try to add so much detail ! (Well....that's the plan anyway......)
Maybe he did some photoshop, to throw us off?

Nope...no tricks!

Have removed the barrel from the front canopy machine gun so I could fit the small shroud and the main gun in to position on the inside of the canopy...it is glued in place and a little touchup is occurring... will provide some pics in the morning...

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