Wojtek, I hate to go but I just got a disk cleanup notice and I can't post anymore pics for a while. So I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow. So have a great night! Talk to you tomorrow?
Looking good. But to do that as you can see in my pics with the Spitfire wing. The leading edges have to be solid at the seam area.You have to sand the front area of the leading edges firstly then a little bit from the top and then the bottom in order to keep their shape at the area. Of course you don't need to sand whole wings I 'm sure you know what I mean.
Understood! Thanks so much so far for helping with my first painted model! (I built a 1/48 B-17, Stuka and a Wellington when I was 9 that no one needs to see ) I really, really appreciate it! It means a lot!
Well, I am really tired today (Very unusual) so I'm off to be early, after I finish this part of course! Goodnight! Have a great day tomorrow!!