Thanks Vic and Igor.
Andy, that box isn't shown in the photos in the pilot's notes, although the remote contactor is! Still don't know what it is though, although there are other signals - related fittings in the same area on the MkIX, and I suspect the MkVIII too, so it doesn't look out of place.
Anyway, the cockpit area is almost complete, and just needs a bit of tidying, and then the seat and harness fitted, along with the rudder pedals and instrument panel. Some of the added items are fairly basic, if not crude, but once the fuselage is joined, not much can be seen in great detail, so it seems pointless spending time and effort 'going to town' in this scale, when an impression of equipment and fittings will work just as well.
PIC 1. Shows the port side, with the scratch-built items being the VHF radio remote control, at top right, the 'flexible' lamp below it, and, below and left of the trim wheel, the rudder trim tab adjuster, made from a piece of plastic rod. The electrical services panel provided in the kit is shown located immediately below the throttle quadrant in the kit instructions, but all references I have seen show this 'box' further back, hence the positioning of this item below the rudder trim wheel; the 'cable' running forward from the box is a length of lead wire, painted in silver grey. Note that the main oxygen tanks need retouching, having got a bit 'battered' due to handling!
PIC 2. There's a bit of lighting reflection on this shot, causing some of the detail to shine a bit, but this is how the starboard wall looks after painting. The pilot's oxygen bottle started out as a reasonable shape, being sanded from a length of sprue, but it fractured whilst drilling the hole for the plastic rod 'valve' !
Fortunately, it still looks like a cylinder when viewed from above, the only way it will be seen, through the distortion of the open canopy and rear glazing, once the fuselage is joined. The plumbing from the undercart selector is again lead wire, painted a copper shade, and is loose at the ends, ready for folding around the instrument panel bulkhead frame once fitted. The selector lever had to be cut away and re-positioned, as it was moulded in the 'Up' position !
PIC 3. The 'scratch treatment' on the instruments was partly successful, although again lighting reflection off the dials, glazed with 'Klear' (Future) makes the effect difficult to see clearly in this shot. The plastic used in ICM kits is very soft, so some of the underlying white gloss enamel paint lifted when carefully scratching through the acrylic matt black. But again, once in situ, the angles for possible viewing obscure some of the detail, so I think the panel will be more than adequate.
Thanks again for your interest, and I'll post another update as soon as possible. I've got to get some art work finished for a Christmas card design for a friend by the end of this week, and then print the cards, so that's got priority at the moment. Bah Humbug!