Extremely detailed Zero schematics

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that is very good how did you get them kind of 3D
Hi, fly boy.
Thanks for your good question.

To make these 3D CGs, I borrowed a set of tail landing gear of A6M2 from a friend of mine, Mr.Taizo Nakamura
alias A6M232 who is a leading collector and researcher of the Zero fighters here in Japan. You can check more
details on photos in his site here - ttp://www10.ocn.ne.jp/~a6m232/page023.html

However, the sample was not enough for me to make up the total image of the device as we had no Oleo part.
Mr.David Aiken of PEARL HARBOR HISTORY ASSOCIATES, INC. was very kind and genereous to offer me his very
rare technical data of A6M2 which was originally researched by the U.S. Forces in 1942 soon after the Pearl
Harbor attack.

It was a great experience for me:)
What program are you using for your 3D work.We are using ProDesktop and Solidworks for our project.:shock:


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Great works, Spits! They are fantastic and I sure love them:)
I want to see more:shout:!!!

...My 3D software is 'SHADE'.
I have ever tried Lightwave as well as 3dmax but the polygon modlling was unfamiliar to me and hard to handle. SHADE is very alike CAD drawing tools and easy to handle, for me, at least:cry:

Attached image: A6M tail parts


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Hi, Spits.

I have never known that Australians are so eager to make up a real Spitfire!!!
(Are you too, Heinz?:shock: )

Great project. It has urged me to be more serious about my Zero fighter project again. Thanks.

Please let me check your site often as I'm looking forward to your Spit fly in the near future!!!

Thank you again for the nice posts!

PS: My modelling is going on from part to part at random but the part I did not check at all is now the cockpit frames only. They will complete soon.


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Thanks storm_eagle for the very clear photographs of an A6M5.
They are sure useful for my modelling!8)

I have long been waiting for your comment Micdrow:)
Oh, how many compliments I have asked!
Sorry but many thanks gentlemen!

Please tell my best wishes to Geoff, Spits.
I am also impressed with his good Australian craftsmanship.
I have posted his(&his friend's) masterpiece(gauge) on my local site to introduce recently.
Nagakura's BBS

Thanks Aaron! You always encourage me when I'm blue a little bit.
My translation on the thread will go on because I think I must translate several articles at least which describe incidents around August 15, 1945 when the war was over.

Please keep in touch with me.
Many thanks everyone.
Micdrow. You win8)
Here is one of my top secrets for CG modlling - a CAD tracing based on the original data A6Ms. Sorry but please let me omit each value at the moment, until I complete my ongoing work at least.

Thank you very much again for the compliments, Micdrow!
You have awesome talent to collect informations.


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