Father was WWII Vet in AAF

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Charles N Dyer

Nov 14, 2009
My name is Charles Dyer. I am not a veteran of WWII or any other action, but my father was. During Vietnam, I was going into the Air Force, but was rejected during my final physical for medical reasons.

My father was Vernon W. Dyer. During WWII he was a photographer stationed at Harrington AFB in Harrington, KS. I am not sure of the exact dates, but I believe that it was between 1943 and 1945. He passed away in 2007, but I have always been interested in his experiences. I also think that some of the most beautiful planes are WWII aircraft such as the B-17, B-24 and P51. For those reasons I have joined this forum.

For all of you that were veterans, of WWII and all other wars and actions, I want to than you for your sacrifice and dedication to the preservation of this great nation.
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