Favorite Bombers

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de havilland mosquito xvi

a fantastic all round bomber.

2 stage merlin engines,bulged bomb bay and pressurised cockpit.

b.xvi 1200 of these were used for high level nuisance raids with 4000lb bombs.
WW2: B-17, B-29, B-36 Peacemaker (never got a chance to prove itself),
He-177 Grief (would have been better with redesigned engines).
Post WW2 and Modern: Flying Wing, Avro Vulcan, B-52 Stratofortress,
F-117 Nighthawk, B-2 Spirit, F-111 (okay not strictly a bomber but I
like it).

On the subject of the AH-64D Apache Longbow they do carry two AAMs on each side of the small weapons platform and 16 ASMs per side. Heaven help the opposition if someone ever converts all those hard-points to carry AAMs. Goodbye half the opposition airforce, especially if you hovered near the opposition airbase and took them out as they were taking off.

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