**** FINISHED: Mig-17F 'Fresco' NVAF Vietnam 1968

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Senior Airman
Apr 13, 2010
User name: tonyb
Name: Tony
Category: 3-Beginner
Kit: Kitech Mig-17F Soviet Interceptor
Scale: 1/48
Accessoriesrobably a bit of scratch building e.g. wiring in cockpit/wheel bays

Well,she's finally finished
It certainly won't win any awards but I have had a lot of fun building her and apart from the cruddy canopy,I am pretty happy with the end result.

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Now common Tony mate, modesty don't become you. It's a fine looking machine and you're the winner cause you had fun. Love the camo too and Karl's right about the pics so I hope it's sunny for you tomorrow.
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Tony, that camo is world class and a interesting look to it. Masking must of been a pain. Don't be your own worst critic, it's great!

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