Geedee's P-51D Cockpit Project

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Just beautiful Gary!!!! One little 'nitpick/question - shouldn't the anti-glare panel be Matt finish??

Spooky you should mention that, as I was thinking on the way back from spending the weekend parked next to Dan's P-63 Kingcobra, I really should get a matt finish on her. This will be taken care of next time I have the top decking undone...probably in a few weeks time ! she'll look like she should do. I think also the matt olive drab is a darker color than the satin type finish I have at the moment.

Beauty! Sounds like you had the same weather at CF that we had here, but hope it went well.

We did...and so did it, very well indeed :D.

Really coming along nice, Gary!

Thanks Eric. You make it over to Legends one year and we'll see about getting you down here in deepest darkest Druid land to see my '51 and Tony's Hurricane (and two Spitfires and one a few more gems !!
If you need a sample of typical Olive Drab paint Gary, let me know, and I'll send you a paint chip to match it to.
BTW, have a look at the 'Social Event' thread in 'Off Topic' when you get a chance - I'm trying to get some responses so that I can organise something for this year, as a 'trial run'.
Spooky you should mention that, as I was thinking on the way back from spending the weekend parked next to Dan's P-63 Kingcobra, I really should get a matt finish on her. This will be taken care of next time I have the top decking undone...probably in a few weeks time ! she'll look like she should do. I think also the matt olive drab is a darker color than the satin type finish I have at the moment.

Cool stuff Gary! (Hope ya don't think me an impertinent pr--k for mentioning! :) )
Gary, she's looking the part sir! Oh, I don't have a large enough piece at the shop to do it. The boss used it for something and it has been cut into a multitude of 1.5" strips about 3 feet long. Skid strips if I had to guess but not sure.
loooking good there Gary, a fair amount of progress since last yrs show!
Very nice. YOu dont happen to want to share a pic of each instrument. i want to build a little one. 1/4 scale. I lready cut out the the panel. now have to build instrumetns in miniture..
Wonderful effort and result. Been watching on the sidelines after getting this a sticky, but just phenomenally wonderful.

Many thanks dude, much apreciated...and yup, I'm having fun :)

Looking good there Gary, a fair amount of progress since last yrs show!

I have been a bit busy on her and was shocked, to say the least, to pick up an award this year. I was not expecting anything like that !.

Soooo, whats been happening since my last update...errrr absolutely nothing until yesterday.

Walked out to the shangar at 09:00 and came back in at around 17:50 !. Spent that time on making an interface between the throttle and a computer joystick so when I take her on her next outing (which is this next week at Martlesham Heath Control Tower Museum RAF Martlesham Heath Aviation Society MHAS Home Page)....I'm hoping to be able to let peeps sit in a '51 and go through the startup and then play with throttle. Once that was done, I then mounted the main home computers sound system (1 X Bass Woofer and 5 satellite speakers) onto the seat sub frame. Only problem was, after I gotten her all reassembled yesterday, I had a thought at stoopid o'clock this morning that I'd mounted the cut down computer joystick the wrong way around so the throttle linkage was reversed.

Walked back out to the shangar at 09:00 this morning, de-rivetted everything...again !...and sure 'nuff, it was all rse about face. No probs, half an hour late all remounted and thought I'd plug it into my spare computer...and the comp refused to recognise the stick....Grrrrrr. So, backup plan K (I always have a a few :)) and it was out with a spare stick and.....

You have no idea how happy I am that I can sit in my '51, start up the Merlin by going through the start up procedure (only spoiled by the fact that I then have to press Control E on the comp top start the engine in the flight sim, but hey, early days yet !) and then sit back and push that loud lever towards the end stop....

OMFG ! What a gloriously frikkin loud experience :D. I've never sat in a Mustang with the engine running, but I do know its a little bit my '51 with the speakers essentially working in an enclosed environment that the cockpit makes, I reckon its pretty near enough a loud as in real life.

I got the missus to try it out and she couldn't stop grinning, I got my daughter to try it out...and she couldn't stop grinning, I had to try it out again...and I'm still grinning :D

With the speakers mounted on the seat subframe and the bass woofer directly under the seat pan.....not only do I get the full force of the sound (the armour plate seems to channel it all upwards to your head) but also the vibrations from the woofer to boot, she really comes to life !.

Still have a whole heap of things to do to her, but now I've spent the weekend back working on her, I'm back in the mood so there will be more to follow very soon. Stay tooned


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That really looks (and I guess, sounds!) the business Gary. Hopefully, I might get to see it again at Bottisham at the end of the month - I'll send you an e-mail, as Mick and I are hopefully going to attend.
Wish I could hear it Gary! I bet it flat out ROCKS!!!!!!!:headbang: Next time your at an airshow, ask if you can bottle some smoke and fumes from start up and you can waft it through the pit as you do a start up back home. Keep up the excellent work sir!:thumbright:
Thanks guys.

I'm busy loading her up to take to Martlesham Heath Control Tower Open day tomorrow and am looking forward to seeing the looks on peoples faces as they get to try out a 'Stang....thats if I let 'em get in her in the first place as I'll probably be in her all day myself ! :)

Glenn, its a very easy thing to do, especially with your '47 as you dont have to deconstruct all the bodywork in front of the windshield. You can pass a rod from your throttle quadrant past the instrument panel surround and onto a pc flight link to the pc stick throttle is a small bit of fencing wire bent at an angle and fixed in place with some cable ties onto the pc stick throttle (you cant see that as its all tucked awy out of sight !)....and get some speakers in deafeneing earshot range.....then sit back, fire her up....and revell in the sensation. Trust me mate, its absoluetly 100 percent well worth the time and effort :)

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