Gnomey's Pictures (4 Viewers)

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Beautiful shots, there must be more. Thanks for sharing. Ancient ruins are beautiful subjects to photograph, you did them justice.
We definately have an excellent range of things to photograph here in the U.S., but if I had a choice between photographing a Colorado ghost town or a Roman garrison in Switzerland, you can be sure I'd go for the Roman garrison!

The ancient sites must be amazing to walk through, just thinking of the ages of humanity that have passed through them...

Great shots my friend, my daughter is in Roma the very moment having just travelled up from Firenze. Did you get into see the real 'David'?


I've read quite a bit about Herculaneum, and it's state of remarkable preservation compared to Pompeii.

Here's a couple of shots of Herculaneum in 2007, didn't make Pompeii so cannot compare.

Couldn't resist the last photo either.


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That's what I'm talking about...look at the architecture. What was a typical building like a home or "condomineum" back then, didn't survive, so the designs were lost to modern man. But there they are, on either side of a Roman street just as it was well over a thousand years ago. Simply amazing.

And lol @ "natural viagra"!
Yes I did. Don't have a picture of it but I did try but got shouted at. Apparently I wasn't meant to be taking pictures...

I remember when I first saw David way back, one could take shots without the flash, it had no protective screen round it at the time. I was in awe of the statue and I had the same feeling on the last visit.
:hotsun: :hotsun:
Will get back to Italy pictures at some point (slightly busy with University work and applications). In the meantime here are some quick shots of some fireworks that went off at the end of the Dunhill Links Championship.


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