Gomix Flymodel Lancaster Bomber

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My Lanc is almost done fellas, all is left is the propsd I will have them on tomorrow and I will post the fini9shed pictures of her, As of the update I constructed and installed all four prop hubs there are 5 parts per hub, nothing but rolled paper. When I finish her my wi9fe wants me to hang her in the living room she likes it, The Lancaster hasd always been my favorite of all British bombers of WW11, I would like some day build a good card kit of the Short Sterling bomber old elephant I will throw in my 1/33 Halifax Bomber along with the update pictures.



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Just had to do a bit of a catch up Boats and I'm still amazed at the size and detail of this machine. As terry says, it's good to see it standing, I think you have done a great job.
thanks fellas for your replies I finally got her done ready for finished pictures. I got all of the props on the Merlin engines dont look right without the props so I have them constructed and installed on the spinner cones. Tomorrow I will address the final closeing of the dedication build for Wojtek he is a great man I got get him all squared away. Here is a couple pictures of the Lanc with her props on it fills the bill.



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Looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing with us! Can you give us a hint of what is next on the workbench?

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