Group builds.....

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....

I don't really know how many of us here on the forum build models, but would a group build every now and then be something worth doing? If there's any interest in this, would one group build every quarter be too much or just fine? Something like one for a specific kind of aircraft, Pacific, Atlantic, Eastern, Western front, WWI, WWII, Korea, etc...? Those that complete within the time period could also recieve a medal, banner or whatever....:D

Could also do one if you wanted for tanks, ships or helicopter....

Any thoughts?:lol:
Well, O' Enlighted One....was thinking more of in a style in that those taking part and finishing would get the banner/tag...
We all know who the winners would, right? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sounds good to me! Like the idea of a number doing the same aircraft type, or one of a type to fit a scene, for example aircraft of a particular unit. As for domination by certain people, either appoint those people as judges, so they can't take part(!!), or have a 'ranking' system, based on, eg, experience/skill level/age or whatever? Whichever way, it would be fun and encouraging to all and, as Jan says, only those who finish the model TOTALLY can be 'scored'; could make it easier to arrange/judge etc by having it strictly 'out of the box' ?
I'd be in. We should also make the scale something that's fairly easily attainable, such as 1/48, and it's big enough to see a lot of detail. 1/32nd models are great, but they're pretty pricy and they take a while to complete. That being said, if we do a 1/32 F4U, I'd be ahead of the game!
Hey, folks why we start a GB under one Motto ( e.g. 190 Reichsdefender), and than all scales or techniques are allowed. What do you think ?
And for the ranking - the price is fun for everyone during the build and the excitement to see WIP images of the models

Exactly.... We could do that or we could also do as you say Thomas, a Reichsdefender GB, but all would be allowed, 109's, 190's, 262's etc.. and any long as it has something to do with the "Defenders of the Reich"...
OK Jan,
than let us start with a Reichsdefender GB. Start 01.01.09, End 08.05.2009

All scales, all types, all techniques allowed.

Put me on the List

greets Thomas
Was thinking more in the space of 01.01.09 to 03.31.09....but that's something we all can work out, what suits best...:lol:
In this case I'll try my hand on this Yellow 13...


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it was only a thought about the space ( from Bodenplatte to VE-Day ). I will be in with a Me 109 G-14 Black 16 from III./JG 26 lost on 27th Nov 1944 and still missing.


Good heavens Jan! You mean you're actually going to USE one of your '13' decals!!!?
I take it the model has to be built for, and during the time span of, the 'competition'?
I'll have to modify my build-programme to fit one in then!
You really do know how to confuse me! Had it all planned; Diorama Guide Part 2 requires a further 2 to 4 models, plus the diorama bases, Photography Guide needs some to demonstrate effects, plus my own models, now I've got to go and buy, and build, another one!!
What a fantstic excuse! Thanks, Jan!
Actually....I think that I'll toss in this JV44 13 as well, since I already have the decals and Hannant's have had a new stash of Tamiya D-9's delivered....:oops: :lol:


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