H.S. Andover C1, 46 Sqn, RAF, 1/72nd scale.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
H.S. Andover C1, 1/72nd scale resin kit.

This is one of two Andover models for 46 Sqn Association, with the second build (yet to come) being the same aircraft in later life, when in service with 115 Sqn on calibration duties.
The subject aircraft is Andover C.1, serial number XS603, and Grp.Cpt Dougie Barr (46 Sqn Association secretary) was Navigator in both its roles. It seems that Dougie was also the Nav when I jumped from this very aircraft over Luneberg Heath, Germany, in October 1973 !

I've been working on the first build, on and off, for some time, this being the first all resin kit I've ever built, which has involved some learning and "new skills development" on my part, and the work has been slow, and sometImes tedious, with lots of test fitting, sanding, filler, more sanding and not a few curses, but I'm getting there, and should have the model finished and delivered in time for this year's 46 Sqn Anniversary dinner on June 3rd.
Pics below show an example of the real aircraft, the box art, main parts, and construction to date, and note those areas that still require filler, particularly the landing gear doors, which are designed to be fitted in the open position.
I hope to have the construction completed over the coming weekend, hands permitting, and start on the paint work by early next week.

Nice to see you on a project Terry, as Andy says, we miss your informative and sometimes funny input. At first look those resin parts look good but closer one can see the rough edges and all the extra work you have had to put in. Looks good given the rough fitment.
Thanks chaps. it's good to be back at the bench, even if it is uncomfortable at times !
Yes Vic, lots of prep work required with this one. All parts are butt-jointed, no locating pins, and needed to be sanded to remove burrs, casting plugs and "smooth" the mating surfaces.
Joining the fuselage, in particular, was a "one shot only" exercise, as CA was used. Two-part epoxy would have provided more "wiggle time", but could also allow the parts to move and become misaligned.
It would have been easier to build this with landing gear down, but Dougie wanted the model in "flying" attitude.
Always liked the Andover, and nice to jump from - the nearest I ever got to jumping from a Dakota, with the single para door.
One thing I do remember though, was boarding the aircraft at Fassberg. The landing gear refused to "kneel down" properly, meaning we couldn't board via the tail gate. The aircraft was eventually "cranked" back level, and someone found a builder's ladder, put it up to the door, and we had a long climb to get on board - bl**dy hard work wearing a parachute, reserve, and with a 90lb equipment container one one shoulder !!
Thanks Glenn. It's been a bit of a challenge, and quite labour intensive, but it's getting there nicely.

Main construction is now complete, and just needs a couple of joints attending to, and some clean-up, before spraying a primer coat.
I would normally scratch-build the various antennae (not provided in the kit), but as the model will be transported and moved frequently, for display at the annual reunion dinners and other events, they would be certain to get damaged and lost, so I won't bother.

I hope to be back in the next couple of days, with some paint on the model. Meanwhile, the pic below shows how it looks so far.

Thanks Andy, but not that quick. From the previous up-date to its present state took around ten hours work, preparing parts, filing, filling and sanding, more sanding and then careful attachment of the starboard wing, tail planes and fin, all of which needed adjustment to fit.
The tail planes are slightly "out", with one a tad more angled than the other, but not much I can do about this, and it's not that noticeable.

I'm about to spray the primer, giving an overall coat of white, which will also provide the white area around the cockpit roof. Once fully dry, the roof area will be masked, and then the mid stone will be sprayed, which I'll need to mix using two other colours.
Back when there's something to show .................
Thanks Hugh and Evan.

The first stage of painting has now been done, and Evan very kindly sent me the camouflage pattern profiles from his kit, which will make life easier (my kits are for RNZAF aircraft).
The cockpit area roof was sprayed in matt white enamel, and masked when dry. I didn't bother with a primer coat, as the paint seemed to cover well enough without one, although the white needed "building up" with a couple of coats.
The mid stone was to be sprayed over the entire upper surfaces, and this had to be mixed, as I was unable to find the correct shade, which appears to now be discontinued in the Humbrol enamels range.
The first mix, using Humbrol No.63 Sand, a touch of white and some yellow, seemed a little to pale when tested on a "hack", and then I knocked over the plastic shot glass the paint was mixed in losing the lot !
A second mix was prepared, using more yellow this time, which looked better, but then I had an airbrush problem, with the larger 0.4mm nozzle getting blocked. Spent an hour cleaning and testing, then gave up and reverted to the fine, 0.2mm nozzle, which worked fine and actually gave more control, rather than almost flooding some areas.
I'll let the paint fully dry, then mark the camouflage pattern in pencil, and spray the Dark Earth freehand. Once that's done, then it's more masking and spray the black undersides, mask and paint the de-icer boots, then remove all masks, gloss coat and decals.
If things go to plan, I'll just about make the delivery deadline, which is Friday of next week, just in time for the 46Sqn Association dinner the following day !
Pics below show how things look so far.


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