H.S. Buccaneer S2B, 12 Sqn., RAF, Lossiemouth, Scotland, 1985, Group Build.

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Only a few key phrases and some basic conversational etc in about five - just enough to get me into trouble !!!
Finally got all the decals on, or at least those which eventually decided to partially co-operate ! Many of the tiny stencils either floated away, as there wasn't enough carrier film, or just disappeared into the background due to lack of density.
Anyway, after a semi-matt clear coat,I can now continue with the final construction stages, which involves the landing gear, stores pylons and missiles, and the folded wings. Then it's just the small sticky-out bits and other detail work, and it should be done. Hopefully, I'll get it finished by or on the deadline, and then I can get on with the two Bf109s for the BoB GB.


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Dead right ! Still not sure if I'll make it though, as there is still some modifying of parts to do, and detailing of the wing-fold mechanism, but hopefully I'll make it. I thought I would have been well in to both the '109s by now, and a month of the BoB GB has gone already !!
Thanks guys. I'll be really happy when this bl**dy thing is finished - everything seems to be taking forever, with multiple attempts needed for even the smallest job.
Anyway, the weapons pylons have been decaled and fitted to the outer wings, although you have to get close up to see the stencils. The pylon for the TV Martel has been adapted from the kit's Sidewinder pylon, with the launch rail removed, and this has been fitted to the starboard inner station, although it doesn't seem to want to stay there !
The Radar and TV Martel missiles have been painted and some decals added, and await some detail painting and a semi-matt clear coat, a does the Acquisition pod, and these will be fitted later.
Finally, the first stage of the wing fold mechanism is in place, with the kit parts awaiting some extra detailing, and the misaligned wing joints yet to be corrected and drilled.This small amount of progress took five hours, so heaven knows how long the rest of the work will take !
The pics show the progress so far.


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