Heinkel He 70 G-1 “Blitz” 1/72nd Revell ex Matchbox

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Thanks guys.
I finished up all the sanding and polishing late last night and sprayed the first shade of silver tonight. I usually like to paint the colors first, in this case black, but the way the decals are designed that was not possible so I'll have to do it after the decaling and hope for the best.
Here's what it looked like before and after the paint. The family resemblance to the He-111 is very apparent in the last shot.

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Looking good! How do you go about a metal-like finish? Looks like a nice and smooth coat of silver.
It looks fantastic Glenn! One question whats Kristal Klear?
It's similar to white glue, but somewhat thicker. You can use it to make small windows. With a toothpick put the Kristal Klear around the perimeter of the opening, than turn the toothpick parallel to the opening and try to drag a bubble over the opening. When the bubble drys you have a window. You can also use it for instrument face by dabbing a drop on each one.
It's available at many hobby shops, and also at Squadron.com

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I've been masking for the second shade of silver little by little over the last few days. This afternoon finished and painted it. I'll strip off the masks later tonight and see how it comes out.

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