Heinkel He 70 G-1 “Blitz” 1/72nd Revell ex Matchbox

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Looks great Glenn - a nice match with the paint and decals.
Model Master Acryl flat black looked like a good match so I used it, but it was the first time I ever used acrylic in my airbrush and it dried up in the tip and was a pain to clean out. I think I'll be staying with enamels.
Your little Heinkel is looking very sharp indeed.

As for tip dry with acrylic paints, it happens 9 out of 10 times. I started out using acrylics right from the start and it takes a little (more) practise then enamel paints, so by now I wouldn't want it any other way (and using an occasional enamel paint is a piece of cake so to say) Either way, perhaps trying Gunze Sangyo sometime could work for ya. I use mostly acrylic paints and indeed 9 out of 10 brands of acrylic paints 'suffer' from tip dry at one point or the other...but not so with Gunze Sangyo. It's works very well (even more so if paired with a few drops of autoair colors 4010 reducer, which also works with lots of other brands of acrylic paints BTW)
Thanks for the tip. I haven't seen Gunze Sangyo around here, but maybe I could get in on-line if I try spraying acrylics again, but for now I think I'm staying with enamel.
I admit that I did not take availablility into account T Bolt, although I could have known. Over here in the Netherlands I have only found two or three (web)shops that carry a good selection of Gunze products....one of which happens to be my trusty airbrush dealer, so whenever I go there for whatever reason, checking what paints I might need, and if a Gunze variant is available, is part of the routine. However, if you feel like giving acrylics a serious try I think you'll find that the extra effort it may take to obtain Gunze acrylics will pay off in terms of how well it works.

After having tried a few Gunze colors, I'm now at a point where I want to gradually move towards Gunze paints as my primary paint of choice (if at all possible) In other words, if I run out of a certain colors (vallejo, revell aqua, etc. etc.) I will look for a Gunze replacement first so as to gradually replace my paints with Gunze as I go along.

Ofcourse it's still subjective as (air)brushing, at least to my opinion, has a lot to do with personal preference no matter what.

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