Hi- another newbie; fan of CAC and all things Australian

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Jan 8, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
Hi All,
another newbie joining. I see there are some familiar names fairly active on the forums, so I guess its time to join in.

I'm an Aussie, currently living in Singapore, but spending most of my time based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for work. I've done a bit of aircraft modelling in the past (flying models, free flight and R/C) but mostly these days I'm spending my time collecting information and documentation - with a focus on aircraft from my home country. I did a little flying in my youth, but that ended when I ran out of cash (poor student in those days!). Then I did a lot of "hanging around airports" in the early 80's... something which is not encouraged now, with all the security concerns out there.

My completed documentation projects include the CAC Wackett and the Yeoman Cropmaster. As well as lots of plans for flying scale models of Australian-designed aircraft. These are CAD-drawn plans, to publication quality. Current projects include searching for information and working on drawings for the CAC Ceres, Wirraway and Boomerang. As well as updating the previous projects (these seem never-ending, as new information comes to light). This time I'm working in full 3D CAD, starting with the tubular framework and "working from the inside out". Since I'm living overseas its not so simple to wander down to my local aviation museum and take measurements or browse through manuals, so that slows things down a little. But its amazing what you can source on the internet these days! You can see some of my work on a small website here:

DB Design Bureau - Scale Free Flight Plans by Derek Buckmaster

I would love to hear from folks with similar interests - and share source information and final drawings. Collaborating on drawings would also be interesting.

Best regards to everyone,
Hi Derek and welcome to the family.

Some good looking stuff on your site.

G'day Derek, welcome to the forum from a former Saudi resident, (Dahran and Tabuk mid 70s to mid 80s ) glad to have you on board
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Geeze.... just what we need.... another "digger". Wayne will be pleased, the Aussies outnumber us two to one now.

Be that as it may, welcome to the forum. Anybody from the land of Oz, can't be all that bad.

Hi just visited HARS near Wollongong and saw their Boomer, Wirraway and Ceres !! The Boomerand and Wirraway have a long way to go as they are frames only. Am sure these guys have all the specs on these planes. I am an aircraft nut from way back too and collect WW2 aircraft bits and bobs, last addition was a P51 instrument panel. Cheers Rod from Sydney

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