Thought I would finally get around to formally introducing myself.
This is my third go around at modelling. Most of my first kits were done before I went off to college and have since met grisly fates.
The second set were destroyed in Hurricane Katrina.
So now that I've resettled in Tarheel country, I am on my THIRD pass at this hobby. LOL
My current collection of completed kits is pretty small - about 12 planes total - mostly Italian fighters / bombers in a mix of Spanish Civil War and Italian markings, and a set of US early seaplanes.
My UNCOMPLETED collection is now at over 100 kits (a fact that my wife CONSTANTLY reminds me of) and is mostly WW2 axis with a growing collection of modern era USA warplanes (EA-6 Prowler, F-4J, F-14A, F14D, F-15E, F-16 Block 50, AV-8 Harrier II+, A-10 Warthog, F-18E, F-18F, S-3B VIking, E-2C Hawkeye, F-111, A-37 DragonFly and an Ov-10 Bronco).
On the workbench, I have the following:
Hasegawa Fw 190 A-8
Hasegawa Me 262 A-1
Hasegawa Me 262 B-1/U-1 (x2 - one kit is an old Smer/Heller kit that is getting some Major overhaul)
Italeri Hs 123 A-1
Airfix Hs 126 A-1
Revell / Lindbergh He 162 A-2 (x2)
AeroPlast Bf 109 B 109 E-1
Revell Ar 240 A-0
All in 1/72
Anyway, Just wanted to say hi.