Hobbycraft Dornier Do-17Z 5K+EA BoB GB

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Started canopy masking tonight...errr lost the pic...i'll post it tomorrow with the light of my workbench..

Like my huge cutting matt?!? Its the only clean one out of the 3 I have.......


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3 cutting mats! I don't even have one! Been using one of my wifes cutting boards. I really should get one.

2 workbench one for each and sometimes I sit at the kitchen table when my moms not home since theres good sunlight and TV!

So the small I shot a picture of, is for when I'm other spots then the bench
Debating wether to close the fueslage up soon. I finished the cockpit early this morning..been up since 4 and don't have much more to do there........
Feel so guilty for closing it up..... but I can still add stuff to the cockpit just the way its configured.


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Always feels good when you get a big one like that closed up. Any problems? When I test fitted the fuselage halves on the one I have, it didn't look like it would just fall together if you know what I mean.
Glenn, there are some locator pins that need to be removed or else the tail won't go together right. Other than that just use rubber cement followed by gap filling CA glue to get her together.

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