Hobbycraft Dornier Do-17Z 5K+EA BoB GB

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Since I'm ordering milliput to make the 'parachute/cushion' today I started rescaling the rest of the cockpit. The new seat is to scale. So this meant the control yolk etc. had to be to scale aswell.

I really didn't know how to tackle this one since Its straight lines not a curve which makes stretched sprue out of the question. Then I realized why not just cut the handles off.

So thats what I did.

I cut the whole thing apart. Sanded the box thing they are mounted to in the center down. removed about 1mm from them and reattached. Next I have to scale down the mounting. I just added them to it because it made it easier to reattach on something bigger than pencil tip!

Also lost a handle on the ground.....don't know how the hell I found it!


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Great work H ! The grips would either be a black 'leatherette', or possibly cord wrapped, which would be a brownish colour, like...er....cord !
Ok a bit more work.

As you can see the seat is way oversized (yep again...) so out came the dremel and the last picture show the finished seat. The back piece is correct size but seat needed a shaving. So there are all the modified pieces so far.

I think I'm getting Lionroar Luftwaffe Bomber seatbealts and rudder pedals sets.

Thanks for looking.


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Alright so whats on my plate this weekend

Need to move the rudder pedal mountings since the pilots feet would have to be 500ft long to reach where they currently are.

Sand the scratch built seat.

Figure out the dam directions and what goes where!!!

Order things.
Thanks. I got an order in with Squadron right now and it never occurred to me to check if they had some. Great sale there BTW. Several decal sheets going for 2 bucks, some ICM kits for10 bucks and books for stupid low prices.
Thanks may buy some books but they don't have the resin and PE parts that I need.

Again thanks for the heads up!
Some good work there H. Looking at the shape of the pilot's seat, he would have had a back-pack parachute, and a seat cushion I think. The paracute pack would fit into the 'box' formed by the seat back.
That is some really nice work Harrison! :thumbright: You've come a long way just since March when I joined the Forum!!
Thanks. I got an order in with Squadron right now and it never occurred to me to check if they had some. Great sale there BTW. Several decal sheets going for 2 bucks, some ICM kits for10 bucks and books for stupid low prices.
That IS a great sale they have going on isn't it!! I just made $100+ order from them! Five models, paint and a lot of other stuff!
Thanks Glenn!

I have made a bit of money from work........but you guys do know my parents will hate you? :lol: :lol:

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